I could keep his name hidden and just let my own details come out, which means only people who know us personally would know what I write about my son is about him. This would preserve his anonymity somewhat, and even if he was to come across my blog when he's older, he would hopefully not feel too exposed.
This really is something I feel like I need to figure out sooner rather than later. Chances are my blog won't reach a very wide audience, and it won't really matter too much, but I can't help but thinking what if? What if I really get into the whole blogging universe, that my blog reaches a wide audience and that my writings will be read my thousands? I'm only imagining this, I highly doubt it will be the case, but what if? More than likely I'll end up writing mainly for myself, maybe reach a few other readers in the mummy/daddy blog universe, and potentially a relative or two.
Whichever the outcome of the reach of my blog, how much do I want to make public - to stay on the World Wide Web for all eternity? What do you think?
Picture source: Mimi and Eunice