My little boy has always been one to eat well. Since we first started him on solids he's devoured it and loved food. If ever he was grumpy, food was usually the answer (and still is, to be quite honest!). He was good and ate pretty much everything, he'd always try stuff, and he'd quite happily finish his own lunch, and then help me with mine. However recently things seem to have changed. He's become quite fussy, and with most foods it's very much hit and miss whether or not he will eat it that particular day. There are a few foods he'll always eat - bread, Ella's Kitchen style ready meals, usually pasta, and he'd live off fruit if he was given half a chance. However my "proper" meals that I cook for him (and us - I try to give all three of us the same food) is more often than not turned away. He won't even taste it. If I try to make him taste it - even a lick I'd be happy with - he screams as if I was trying to poison him. Last night just the mere sight of food made him scream, even though it was Daddy eating his dinner without even acknowledging the Boy (because he made that error when he first sat down with his food). It was the second evening running he wouldn't eat, and he didn't sleep brilliantly without food, so I later gave him some toast and a fruit bar, just so he'd sleep better again (and it worked - woohoo!).
I realise this is a stage most toddlers go through, but I hate it. Especially when food has been the one thing he's been easy with all along. I just really do not want a fussy eater for a child, and I want him to like everything like his parents. I still live in hope that he'll snap out of it sooner rather than later and be proper omnivore again, but we'll see!
Blueberry pancakes was obviously on the "Approved" list! |
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