Friday, 26 June 2015

My little boy is growing up

I can't believe the speed at which my little baby boy is growing. He's 7 months now, and I simply cannot fathom where the time has gone! He's gone from my little chunk of a 10 lbs newborn who just laid there doing nothing but looking cute, to a lively 7 month old boy (and over 21 lbs!) who is full of life and character.

Over the past two months he has been eating solid foods like a champion (albeit a messy champion) and he absolutely loves it. And in return he no longer has as much milk - I can't believe my little boy has cut out several bottles! He has gone from his little crib right next to my bed, less than an arm's length away from me, to his big boy cot bed in his own room. He sleeps better (thank heavens) and beams up at you when you get to him in the mornings.

Over the past two weeks he's shown just how much of a big boy he is becoming. He has figured out that he can pull himself up standing. It started in the bath tub, but he can now pull himself up on anything of the right height that he can get a grip on. And he has even started moving about somewhat. He can cruise along the sofa, though he looks like a drunk on his way home from a long night in the pub while doing so. And while it's still very slow going he has started army crawling. I'm not ready for my little baby to grow up yet!

Growing up way too fast! 1 day old vs 7 months.

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