Saturday, 14 November 2015

Scandimum and her blog...

...hasn't really been particularly connected, has it? I promise I do want to get into things! With the husband now having several new games to play on the XBox I may be able to use the computer more = Hopefully more blogging!

I doubt I've built much of a fan base with my 6 posts (because I have a feeling a fair few of my 120 odd views are myself or my husband..) but to anyone who's reading this: I'm back!

A lot has changed in the past 6 months in the life of Scandimum. As you might expect when Boy has gone from 7 months to nearly 1. Since my last post we have accepted an offer on our flat, had an offer accepted on a new house, Boy is well and truly on the move (though luckily to me he's not too confident of letting go while walking yet), I've lost weight, the husband has lost weight (more than me, but trying not to let the green eyed monster out! Must. Start. Exercising) and, most importantly, we are mostly getting quite good nights sleep, with 1 or no wake ups most nights. Now watch me eat those last words in a few posts' time when Boy decides to start night time parties again.

So enough for a catch up. For today I will post about myself as me, rather than Boy or being a mum. For my (far too slow) weight loss journey I decided to join Slimming World. I know a few people who have had good success on it, and I figured that going to group every week to get weighed would keep me on the straight and narrow. So far it's working. It may be a lot slower than I'd like, but that's my own fault as I'm not too good at sticking to plan. And I've learnt how to cheat - a bit too much! I'm 3.5 lbs off my 2 stone award (which means I've lost 11kg which is the units I work with), and I'm chuffed. I'm finally starting to see it myself as well, and a couple of weeks ago I FINALLY fit back into my pre-pregnancy jeans. It's taken far too long, but it feels good! I want to lose another 2 stone, at least (minimum another 15kg), but I'd rather it takes longer to come off and stays off than go on a crash diet and gain it all back. I'm also trying to commit to running again, which I quite enjoy, so hopefully that'll help the weight come off. I'm determined to run a 10k next year (I have a specific one in mind as well).

I will choose to ignore the massive portion of (absolutely delicious) crumble I've just devoured.

My current weight loss. The green line represents losing 10% 
of my starting weight. The purple line is my target.

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